Saturday, January 6, 2007

Mother sues Santa Clara County CPS for $400 million billing fraud

A few websites are publicizing an erroneous story about the $400 million fraud lawsuit filed against Santa Clara County. An innocent mother had her children removed by corrupt Social Workers. She got her kids back as soon as a Judge was seen. Later it was discovered that Santa Clara County's Department of Family and Children Services had submitted fraudulent bills on her case to the CA State and Federal Governments. The bills state Santa Clara County removed and processed more children than the mother had ever given birth to. Submitting bills for more work than you have done is fraud, pure and simple. County employees must be held to the same code of conduct as the average citizen.

When I found out about this lawsuit I helped write a press release to alert the public about this fraud. Late in the evening when CCHR South Bay sent out the press release, a very tired and ill reporter with the Bay City News Wire wrote a story about the lawsuit. She unfortunately made a mistake and did not correctly name who had filed the lawsuit.

When informed of the error, the Bay City News Wire wrote a correction. The San Jose Mercury News, CBS-KPIX TV, ABC-KGO TV, FOX KTVU TV and other media who carried the story replaced the news story with the corrected version that rightly names Attorney Doug Linde and this mother as the parties who filed the lawsuit.

You can read all about it below.

Dr. Karl Hoffower

Fraud Investigation Against Department of Children and Family Services of Santa Clara County

The Linde Law Firm has filed a lawsuit, based upon specific evidence, alleging a pattern and practice by the Department of Children and Family Services of Santa Clara County of increasing its funding by setting up accounts for fictional children and seeking reimbursement from Plaintiffs the State of California and the United States of America for purported services on their behalf. Of course, no services are performed on behalf of these fictional children and all bills submitted in their regard are false claims.

A copy of the Complaint may be viewed here (PDF 143KB).

If your children have been taken and/or returned by the Santa Clara Department of Social Services, and you would like to assist in the investigation of these allegations, please provide the information indicated below in an email.

• Full name
• Address
• Telephone Number
• E-mail

Please e-mail us the above contact information.


osoluckyme said...

I read with great interest your article about the fraud in Santa Clara, California. I live in San Luis Obispo and I have reason to believe our County is also commiting fraud. I have pulled up their non-profit accounts and the income appears to increasing by milestones each year. They appear to be embezzling funds.

How do I go about getting this investigated?

Unknown said...

How do you begin an investigation in your own county , I believe that Jefferson county mo. CAC is doing the same thing
I have witnessed the lies ad fraudulent affidavits first hand not to mention charging for therapy that does not take place. How do I get started